Centrum Problemów Prawnych i Ekonomicznych Komunikacji Elektronicznej 


Studenckie Koło Naukowe Blok Prawa Komputerowego

zapraszają do uczestnictwa w międzynarodowej konferencji


VIII. International Conference "COFOLA 2014" (10-12 April 2014, Telč, Czech Republic)


Dear Colleagues,

The Faculty of Law, Masaryk University, will hold its VIII.

International Conference for PhD Students and Young Scholars "COFOLA 2014".


 Date: 10. 4. 2014 - 12. 4. 2014


Place: University Center Telč (

Conference fee: 1.990 CZK incl. VAT


The conference offers the opportunity for young scholars and PhD students to discuss and debate current legal topics in Czech, English, Slovak and Polish languages. The papers are published in peer-reviewed


conference proceedings on CD and in open-access mode on the MU Faculty of Law web portal.  


The deadline for on-line registration and submission of abstracts is March 1st, 2014.


For more information please visit the conference website:


JUDr. Tereza Kyselovská, Ph.D. Organization Team, COFOLA 2014 

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